Tuesday, 1 July 2008

Baby Boom

Today started off with brilliant blue skies and the view over the Carn as I opened the bedroom curtains was beautiful.

I had a very uneventful drive to work with the top down on the 5, and a plod along morning (despite the fact I used up a roll of loo paper on my very bunged up nose) and then I had an email from one of my best mates.

She's 6 weeks pregnant and I'm so very excited.

I now have 3 close friends all expecting children between September and the beginning of February.

I shall be Aunty Jo (or AJ I've decided, as that sounds much cooler I think!)

For those of you that are reading this that are the ladies in question - I'll mention no names of course - you know I can't wait to meet the mini you's and am there for you if you need me for anything.

Meanwhile I expect emails of the scan pictures and continuous updates on the morning sickness etc - I live vicariously and all that!


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