Sunday, 27 July 2008


Yes, today was another 5 gathering.

We set up the gazebo and the tables and chairs and prepared to have a good chin wag with friends.

17 cars turned up at the Looe Lions Classic Car show. Ours was definitely the best stand there not that I'm biased of course!

In the main arena - if you can call a circle made of hay bales - we all took it in turns on doing a 'turn' including Leo the Shire Horse.

Leo is 19 hands high and was kitted up in all the the brasses his owner had collected.

Then it was my turn - and i got a 'trophy' on my exit from the ring.

After the arena we had lunch - burger baps with fried onions courtesy of our camping stove and my culinary genius of course, followed by ice cream...

We had a marvellous day. The weather was incredible and the temperatures must have been hitting 26-27 degrees.

Fred kept cool in the shade of the gazebo or in the car under an umbrella!

Anyway - don't know how I manage these things but despite lashing loads of sun cream on myself and wearing a rather superb (LOL) sunhat and sun glasses, I now look like a panda with white eyes and very very red nose cheeks and chin! - I'll never buy fashionable huge sunglasses again!


ACTing Like A Mama said...

Fred looks so comfy there! And I love the new blog look - very classy, athough I think on special occassions you should still get the glitter out! lol

Joanne said...

Yes , Fred does like his comfort. And as for all of the attention he gets at these things - he's in his element!

Good idea about the special occassions background, although I may choose a different glitter one!